The most powerful on-chain search engine. Ever.

Lore was designed from scratch to make blockchains easy to understand. Search in natural language, comprehend in simple English, and listen to the most important events with a click.

Search Re-imagined

Lore unifies the fragmented world of Web3 by building the single point of discovery across all chains. Unique search rank algorithms allow you to quickly find good actors amongst a sea of malicious contracts. Stay safe, discover insights, all in English.

Compound: Lend Contract
Compount: Compound Token Adapter
Compound: Compound Asset Adapter
Compound: Compound Debt Adapter
cLINK: Fixed Rate Compound
Labelled by you or Lore
Compound 1
Saved in
Compound 2
Dashboards by Lore users
Compound Token Price vs. ETH YTD
by messybirkin.eth
Compound Underwritten Lending M1
by ryan.eth
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Dashboards by Lore users
“ there a compound effect between the first token allocations and ...”
Saved in
Staking Questions
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We imagine a world where Blockchains are  truly accessible
Ledgers of Record

One Unified Product

We combine feature-rich tooling  in one seamless product experience so you don’t have to compromise on the power and fidelity of your block-data experience.

Natural Language Search
Natural Language Search

No more SQL. Find signal in the noise fast and without a line of code. Create beautiful, powerful visual representations of on-chain data to surface insights in seconds, not hours.

Legible Transactions
Simple, Concise English

Read all transactions in clear, legible language. Abandon the hash standard for blockchain data, and look directly at the context in order to understand what went down on-chain.

Events Monitoring
Real-time events monitoring

Get notified in real time on Discord, Telegram, Email and SMS. Or, turn any event into an instant automation trigger via Webhooks. Choose from over 6000 ready made templates, or set up your own.

Bookmarking and Entities

Bookmark wallets, contracts, or tokens you want to watch. Combine them into entities that are analyzed and tracked as one single actor, allowing you to consolidate your on-chain analysis and tracking.


LoreGPT is a conversational chatbot trained on billions of transactions and contextualizing documents. Talk to LoreGPT until you get the clarity you need to feel comfortable interacting with confidence in web3, or discover hidden gems.

Bubble Maps
Bubble Maps

Track and visualize the flow of tokens through time. Lock nodes, filter by asset type, directionality, amount and destination. Uncover masked actors and discover neighbors and counterparties.

Network Stats
Network Statistics and Pages

Keep track of the most important metrics that signal network health. Create dedicated pages to track and visualize the key statistics that indicate usage, and ecosystem growth.

Dev Tools
Developer Tooling

Access an integrated development environment, as well as categorized functions, verified source code, and the ability to simulate transactions. Chat with ContractGPT to understand functional implementation.

Labels and Tags

Get enriched tags using Lore’s unique identity primitives tracking system. We run queries against selected parameters in order to classify on-chain users into over 2,000 categories, in real time. You can also build your own queries.

Protocol CRMs
Protocol CRMs

Get enriched tags using Lore’s unique identity primitives tracking system. We run queries against selected parameters in order to classify on-chain users into over 2,000 categories, in real time. You can also build your own queries.

Curated Alpha
Curated Alpha

Everything Protocols on your network need to understand their users and unlock meaningful usage growth. Track them across chain and platform. What previously required a whole team and hours of work can be done in a few clicks.


See in-context audit reports as well as links to external sites that validate the legitimacy of a project DISCLAIMER: we do not have smart contracts and have no professional relationship with these firms. We do utilize their reports.

Add Descriptive Context

Name and rename wallets. Share descriptive labels, tags and add wallets to lists and entities of your creation. Quickly sticky interesting wallets and track them in your favorites tab.

Custom Features
Custom Features

Let your imagination run wild. We make product decisions based on your requirements, and allow you to customize your explorer experience with specific features. Contact us to learn more.


We offer three different deployment models depending on the depth of coverage you want to provide for your ecosystem.

Legible Transactions
Alerts and Notifications
Dev Tools
Network Stats
Everything in Basic
Natural Language Search
Shared Workspaces
Labels and Tags
On-chain automations
Bubble Maps
Pro +
Everything in Pro
Unlimited Querying
Alpha and reporting

Lore is for you

Lore was designed from scratch to make blockchains easy to understand. Search in natural language, comprehend in simple English, and listen to the most important events with a click.

DeGens, Traders

DeGens, Traders

Looking for Alpha, or managing your positions and holdings? Lore is the only source of truth necessary.

Web3 Citizens

Web3 Citizens

Everyday users who are tired of sub-par on-chain data experiences. Looking at you E*#$%scan



Data wizards who need to surface insights, at the speed of magic.



Protocols can set up custom graphs and track their users across chains.

NFT Communities

NFT Communities

Build tracking flows to understand the health of a community before you decide to make an investment or sale decision



Access an integrated development environment, as well as categorized functions, verified source code, and the ability to simulate transactions.